Bouquet Flower Care
Want to enjoy your fresh cut flowers for a longer time? Kindly follow these simple tips to take care of flower bouquets.
Trim flower stems at an angle to increase surface area for the water absorption which will help them stay hydrated and fresh for a longer time.
1. Prepare your vase
Get a vase and clean it properly which will keep bacteria away & your flowers will remain fresh.
2. Fill vase with water + flower food
Fill your vase up to one half with cold tap water and 1/2 portion of flower food into water that you received along with bouquet.
3. Cut flower stems at an angle
Trim the ends of each stem (around 2 cm) so that flowers remain hydrated and stay longer. Flower stems tend to get clogged from ends which affects hydration so it's better to cut stems after few days.
4. Remove leaves below water level
Prevent mold by removing the leaves that are left on the stems below the water level. Lesser the bacteria, the longer your flower will stay.
5. Arrange flowers
Arrange flowers in your vase as you prefer and make sure to keep longer stems at the back and shorter ones in the front.
6. Keep in a cool place
Keep flowers in a cool area and avoid direct sunlight, directing air-conditioning, extreme heat, dust and ripening fruit. All of these conditions may reduce lifespan of flowers.
7. Change water daily
Change water if it gets dirty or cloudy, since it will clog the stems and reduce lifespan of flowers. Always use cold tap water and clean vase before refilling.
8. Remove decaying petals
Remove withering petals from flower or whole flower stem if required. Flowers have different lifespan so if a flower wilts, it is better to remove it from bouquet to prevent spread of bacteria to other flowers.
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