Angel - Pink Roses Bouquet
The Angel - Pink Roses Bouquet is a stunning arrangement of pink roses that will bring joy and beauty to any occasion. Each rose is carefully selected and arranged by our expert florists, and then wrapped in a delicate pink wrapper and finished with a pink ribbon. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or just want to brighten someone's day, the Angel bouquet is the perfect choice.
Picture: 51 Pink Roses
- Beautiful pink roses
- Expertly arranged by our florists
- Wrapped in a pink wrapper
- Finished with a pink ribbon
- Adds a touch of elegance and beauty to any occasion
- Makes a thoughtful and heartfelt gift
- Brings joy and happiness to the recipient
- Long-lasting and low-maintenance, requiring minimal care
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Delivery Info
- Free + Same-Day Delivery in Dubai above AED 199
- AED 30 delivery charge for orders below AED 200
- Minimum 120 mins. of cut off time for delivery timeslots
- Order received after 7PM (GST) will be moved to next-day
Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, UAQ and RAK:
- Next-day or future dated delivery from 3 PM to 9 PM
- Minimum order value is AED 250
- Delivery charge is AED 40
- Non serviceable area in Abu Dhabi: Garbhia, Bida zyed, Liwa, Riyasi, Western region, Khatam, Dafra areas, Al nahdha, Dafra airways
For more info, please check our Delivery Guide.
Need help?
Phone: +971 58 890 7788
WhatsApp: +971 58 890 7788
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Flower Care
At Flower Station, our floral designer team creates each and every product with the finest quality of flowers around the world to make your loved one feel special. Please check our Flower Care Guide for our different products so that you can enjoy them for a long time.
If a flower is not available for any reason, we may substitute it with a flower of equal or greater monetary value and in a similar style and colour. Flowers being product of nature may be slighty vary in colour and size. For any reason, wrapping is not available, we reserve all the rights replace it with suitable one.