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Our Grand Gifts of 101 Roses

β€’ Grand Rose Gifts β€’ red roses

Our Grand Gifts of 101 Roses

At Flower Station Dubai, our team of florists takes pride in creating a memorable experience by hand-crafting stunning flower arrangements to make your loved one feel special. Whether it’s a birthday or anniversary or proposal, we have a perfect gift to delight you on your special days. We have curated a list of flower gifts such as bouquets, flower boxes, flower baskets, eternity roses to express your timeless bond of love.

Beautiful Roses Bouquets

The oldest and traditional but time tested way to brighten up your loved one’s big days is to send a flower bouquet of 101 roses. When it’s difficult to express your feelings in words, then these bouquets of beautiful roses will do it and create unforgettable memories for your loved ones. 

101 roses mean β€œYou enchant me; You’re my only love”. 

Our roses are sourced from some of the best farms around the world with prime consideration of premium quality and freshness. All of our fresh flower bouquets come with complementary flower food and flower care instructions so that your loved one can enjoy the flowers for long.

Luxury Roses Boxes

Rose boxes have been very popular and quite trending in recent years as they look luxurious and gorgeous giving instant joy to recipients. Our heart shaped box of red roses are perfect for your wedding anniversary, birthday or I Love You flower gift to capture the heart of your beloved. For those who love to make their gift super special, don’t forget to check out our letter arrangement in a box too.


heart box red roses


Pretty Rose Baskets

You can never go wrong with our stunning flower boxes for all your special occasions. Say "I Love You" with our flower basket of 101 premium and long stem red roses designed by our expert florist team to create wonderful and lasting memories on your big day. 


101 red rose basket


Forever Rose  (Eternal Rose)

Everyone loves fresh flowers but it is an undeniable fact that they withers and dies eventually. Moreover, fresh flowers require a good amount of care so that they can stay fresh e.g. cutting stems every other day, changing water, etc.

Eternal roses are 100% natural and prepared from the premium Ecuadorian roses with an exclusive preservation technique. Infinity rose gifts are perfect for expressing your everlasting love to someone special that will stand the test of time. These are the kinds of gifts your loved one will never forget.


Celebrate your special days with our grand gifts exclusively hand-crafted to make your loved one feel special on their big days. You can add a personal touch to you gift with your Birthday Wishes .

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Happy Gifting!

About Author

author photo Anne

Anne has over 10+ years of comprehensive experience in floral design. She has a deep passion into floristry, flower preservation, wedding decorations, and loves blogging and cats :).

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